Why you should not leave your personal brand unattended - A case for fempreneurs

In today’s world, it seems like everyone is trying to sell something online. From the multiple business accounts on Instagram to the numerous e-commerce websites on the internet, there is no end to the supply of products in the market. While this is a good thing for customers who get to have their pick of the litter, it can be quite challenging for an entrepreneur seeking to stand out. Moreso, a female entrepreneur who is already facing many barriers in the business world.

This is why, now more than ever, you need to establish a personal brand. With a personal brand, you get to tell your own story in a unique way, which will then distinguish you from your competitors. In this article, we look at why personal branding is important to you as a fempreneur and the actions you should take to establish one. But first, let us define what personal branding is.

What is Personal Branding?

If you’ve ever read Bikozulu, then you probably know of his byline - everything is a story. This is a true, powerful statement that applies not only to the creative world but also to the business world.
As a fempreneur, everything you do - from having the dream of starting your own business to actualizing it -is a story that you should tell. The process of developing this story into a distinctive and enduring image and reputation in the market for an individual, particularly an entrepreneur, is known as Personal Branding. It entails establishing your personality, abilities, and values and displaying them consistently through your behavior, words, and online presence.

Why is Personal Branding important to Fempreneurs? 

As a female entrepreneur, personal branding can have a great impact on your business brand and help you be more successful. Here are reasons why you should develop your personal brand:

 1. Differentiation: 

You can use personal branding to distinguish yourself from your competitors by highlighting your unique skills, experiences and values.  

2. Trust and credibility: 

A strong personal brand can help you establish trust and credibility with potential customers and partners.

3. Attract opportunities: 

Personal branding can help attract new customers, investors, and other business opportunities.

4. Positioning you as an industry expert: 

By consistently promoting your personal brand, you can position yourself as a thought leader in your industry and establish your expertise.

5. Improved reputation: 

A well-crafted personal brand can positively impact your reputation, which can lead to increased business success.

Six Useful Tips to Get Started with Personal Branding 

Personal branding is like any other marketing tool. Without a good strategy, you will probably not achieve the results you hope for. Here are six useful tips that you should follow to have a successful personal branding strategy: 

1. Recognize and comprehend the demands and preferences of your target demographic

The first question you should ask yourself before you begin your personal branding journey is - who is my target audience? What is their normal day like, what are their interests and how can I reach through to them? To understand the demands and preferences of your target demographic, you can conduct polls, surveys, and focus groups, and collect data on the purchasing habits, demographics, and preferences of your target audience.
One way of doing this is by using social media listening tools to track mentions, hashtags, and conversations related to your target demographic. You can also ask your customers directly for feedback and suggestions, which will give you insights into their needs, preferences, and pain points. In addition, you should also study your competitors and see what they are offering to the same demographic, and what seems to be resonating with them. 

2. Clearly state your unique selling proposition and what makes you stand out. 

A Unique Selling Proposition (USP) is a statement that succinctly defines what makes a product, service, or brand different from its competitors and why customers should choose it.

In personal branding, a USP is used to describe what sets you apart from others in your industry and why people should choose you. To clearly state your USP, consider the following steps:
Identify your strengths: What skills, experience, and qualities do you bring to the table that others don't?
Differentiate yourself: What sets you apart from others in your industry or field?
Make it relevant: How does your USP meet the needs or solve the problems of your target audience?
Make it concise and memorable: Keep your USP short and Maintain Pro Online Presence
By crafting a strong and clear USP, you can differentiate yourself from others and establish a memorable personal brand. 

3. Maintain a professional online presence with a website, social media accounts and other business materials

Maintaining a professional online presence is the key to personal branding, especially for a fempreneur conducting her business online. Here are some of the ways you can keep your image relevant and consistent on the internet: 

Create a website: A personal website should clearly communicate who you are, what you do, and how you can help others.  Make sure to use a professional design and include your resume, portfolio, and contact information.

Utilize social media: Choose social media platforms that align with your personal brand and goals. Use these platforms to showcase your expertise, build relationships, and engage with your audience. Be consistent with your messaging and branding across all platforms.

Branding consistency: Ensure that all your business materials, including business cards, email signatures, and social media accounts, have a consistent look, feel, and message.

High-quality content: Regularly publish high-quality content, such as blog posts, articles, photos or videos, that demonstrate your expertise and add value to your audience.

Engage with your audience: Respond to comments and messages promptly and professionally. This will help build trust and establish you as an authoritative figure in your field.

Stay updated: Stay current on industry news and trends and continually update your website and social media profiles to reflect your evolving skills and experiences.

4. Build ties within your industry by aggressive networking

No man is an island. We all need to leverage the help of others sometimes, and in personal branding, that involves building strong ties within your industry through networking. You can do this by attending industry events and conferences, reaching out to thought leaders, utilizing social media platforms like LinkedIn and Facebook to promote your brand, or collaborating/partnering with other professionals in your area of expertise. Once you have made the connections, it is also important to maintain those relationships by staying in touch and supporting each other in your professional endeavors. By doing this, you can build a strong network and establish a personal brand within your industry. 

5. Continue learning and improving your skills to maintain your relevance in the market: If you want your personal branding to leave a mark, you should embrace a growth mindset and be open to learning and improving your skills throughout your career. Here are some ways you can achieve this: 

Stay updated with industry trends and advancements: Follow relevant websites, blogs, and social media accounts to stay informed about the latest developments in your field.

Pursue formal education: Consider taking courses, attending workshops, or obtaining certifications in your area of expertise to deepen your knowledge and skills.

Network with others in your field: Attend conferences, join professional organizations, and connect with others in your industry to exchange ideas, collaborate, and learn from others.

Gain practical experience: Seek out opportunities to work on projects, either within your current organization or outside of it, that will allow you to apply what you have learned and develop new skills.

Continuously improve your personal brand: This can be done by consistently producing quality work, actively seeking out opportunities to demonstrate your expertise, and engaging with others in your network. 

6. Hire a marketing  agency or a consultant to develop a strong personal brand for you

Building a personal branding is not as simple as it sounds. You will need to dedicate a lot of time to it and have basic marketing skills to ensure it’s successful. As a fempreneur, this means that you will be adding yet another intense task to your already tight schedule. If you want to develop a strong, consistent, and successful personal brand but still have time to focus on your business plans, you should consider hiring an agency or a consultant.

An agency or consultant can help you with creating a personal brand strategy, creating and managing your social media profiles, developing a personal website, creating and distributing content, and tracking and analyzing your online performance. Before hiring an agency or a consultant, make sure to research their expertise, experience, and portfolio to ensure they have the skills and knowledge necessary to help you achieve your personal branding goals.

Reach out to us today, to start your personal branding journey!

biz@arthomedigital.com or call +254748928989